Tuesday 28 April 2015

Act 1 - The beggining

The true paths to success in life are not laid out for the world to see. They must be searched for and found. One must follow the wrong roads to find the right one. The real treasures of the earth were uncovered among the stones of history. They stood the test of time. It's people built giant large empires spanning from one city to the next. Their buildings saw 182,000 suns. The people were gods among men. They could grasp infinity with their minds and lightning with their hands. They were the prime definition of the word limitless. Both in mind, body and the spirit. Eternally.

They came to know about mirages. Illusions of the earth perceived by the instrument of the mind. They came in all shapes and forms. From the subtle glimmer of light to the serpent that promises unbound flows of wealth and prosperity.
Their ultimate goal is to deceive. You will catch them shining like diamonds in the sky. They will paint you a miracle, but you must always give up something. Either your possessions or your freedom. But the most precious of all lies within the imagination.  For when it is captured the very essence of the soul is to be unlocked. From the imagination sparks the idea. The idea ignites the passion. All encompassing and without boundaries. A heart with enough passion and drive is a dangerous weapon. It is often used against you. With enough passion one will span the entire continents of the earth to find his own revelations.

I ask that we all look for gold among the cold basements of the earth. That which has value does not wish to be seen. It will allow itself to be encased within the shadows. For they remain to act as protection from the eyes that are not ready to see. True value comes from within and draws everything towards it. Like the intricacies of the force of gravity. That which comes from within is the most dangerous force of all.

Some say that incarceration is mans most feared place of confinement. I tell you the truth that mans most unknown enemy and prison is his mind. Sometimes the outside world can make you feel trapped. Sometimes a cage can set you free. The true boundaries of reality were both created in your mind, perceived by it and ultimately will be destroyed by it. We were all created by the dust of the earth and eventually will return from once we came. The clockworks of time will continue to turn whether you're ready to die or not. Just like there was no escaping life there will be no escaping death.

Your life is ending one minute at a time....

Stay tuned.

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